A Republic, If You Can Keep It

A Republic, If You Can Keep It

Roe v Wade Flips the Political Equation (Guest: Bill Nowling)

May 04, 2022

How does the pending demise of Roe v Wade change Michigan politics in 2022? Mark and Jeff examine the new political playing field with veteran Republican political operative Bill Nowling.

Bill Nowling

Nowling is Executive Director of Strategic Communication at DP+. Previously, he was communication director for Wayne County (Michigan). Nowling has been a professional communicator for the better part of a quarter century, and he has advised governors, mayors, chief executives, and corporations on how to effectively communicate and manage change. More recently, Mr. Nowling has consulted on the Detroit municipal bankruptcy, the Flint water crisis, and the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition to being a public relations practitioner, Nowling is a communication researcher and a Ph.D. candidate in risk and crisis communication at Wayne State University.

Also this week: a heavily flawed Trumper candidate loses a special state House election in a very Republican west Michigan district to a Democrat … the GOP gubernatorial primary campaign continues to breed uncertainty as the petitions of the presumed frontrunners are under the microscope … and one of those candidates has an acting background that could come back to bite her.

This week’s podcast is sponsored by EPIC • MRA, the state’s top-rated public

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• Public Opinion Surveys – Market Research Studies

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