A Republic, If You Can Keep It

A Republic, If You Can Keep It

Follow the Money (Guest: Craig Mauger)

March 10, 2022

Jeff is off this week as he and his family deal with the sudden passing of their youngest son. Our hearts go out to Jeff, Mattie and their four other children. They have asked that we all respect their privacy. If you would like to send a message to the family, you can email “Comments@ARepublicPodcast.com”.

Pinch-hitting for Jeff this week is one of the best of state capitol journalists, Craig Mauger of the Detroit News. Prior to joining the News, he was Executive Director of the non-partisan Michigan Campaign Finance Network (MCFN) where he tracked the money that drives the political system.

Craig is a graduate of Ohio University’s Scripps School of Journalism. He spent a decade working as a journalist covering government and politics. Prior to going MCFN three and a half years, he worked as a reporter for Michigan Information & Research Service (MIRS News) in Lansing. At MIRS, much of Mauger’s coverage focused on money in politics. He’s written about the changing role of politically focused nonprofits, investigated the purchase of a new Senate office building and uncovered that a top state official was benefiting from primary residence tax breaks in two states.

At the Detroit News, has continued to “follow the money.”