A Republic, If You Can Keep It

A Republic, If You Can Keep It

The 21st Century Muckraker (Guest: Judd Legum)

December 14, 2021

Two GOP heavyweights face off: Michigan Right to Life endorses one candidate for Attorney General, former President Trump has endorsed another. Who will prevail?

Also on the docket this week: the Trump plan to overthrown the election and stage what amounts to a coup to stay in power. The revelations from the House Committee on January 6 are just the beginning, with public hearings in early 2022 promising to be must-see TV.

Joining the discussion in our second segment this week is one of the nation’s best investigative journalists, Judd Legum.

A native of Maryland, Judd earned a B.A. in Public Policy analysis from Pomona College and a Juris Doctor from Georgetown University Law Center in 2003.

Legum founded ThinkProgress in 2005, running it for two years before leaving in 2007 to join Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign as research director. Following the 2008 campaign, he practiced law in Maryland before returning to ThinkProgress in 2011, and became the site’s editor-in-chief in 2012.  Under his supervision, the site grew up to a 40-person newsroom that earned 10 million unique visitors a month.

In 2018, Judd announced he was leaving ThinkProgress to develop an independent newsletter, published through Substack. Legum’s newsletter, Popular Information, is Substack’s first politically-focused publication. It launched July 23, 2018. Popular Information has become a go-to newsletter, maintaining an American tradition of journalistic muckraking dating back to pre-Revolutionary War pamphlets of Thomas Paine.