A Republic, If You Can Keep It

A Republic, If You Can Keep It

Protecting the Right to Vote (Guest: Michael Li)

March 24, 2021

Courtesy of Brennan Center for Justice

We're joined by one of the nation's leading experts on voting rights, Michael Li from the Brennan Center for Justice. Li is senior counsel in the Brennan Center’s Democracy Program where his work focuses on redistricting, voting rights, and elections. He was the author of a widely cited blog on redistricting and election law issues that the New York Times called “indispensable.” He is a regular writer and commentator on election law issues on cable news and in the nation’s leading newspapers and periodicals.

In addition to his election law work, Li previously served as executive director of Be One Texas, a donor alliance that oversaw strategic and targeted investments in nonprofit organizations working to increase voter participation and engagement in historically disadvantaged African American and Hispanic communities in Texas. Li also was an unofficial adviser to Michigan’s Voters Not Politicians as that grassroots group was developing the constitutional amendment to end gerrymandering in our state.