A Republic, If You Can Keep It

A Republic, If You Can Keep It

Warning Signs (Guest: Lou Glazer)

February 29, 2024

This week in politics starts, of course, with Michigan’s Presidential Primary. The primary has Biden and Trump winning by a bunch — but both campaigns see warning signs for November. Also this week:

  • Sneaker salesman Trump graciously accepts victory by calling Gretchen Whitmer “a terrible governor who sold you out”, and UAW president Shawn Fein “atrocious”
  • A state court has, for now, put Kristina Karamo out to political pasture, but the fight for control of what’s left of the Michigan Republican Party goes on
  • Michigan born-and-bred Ronna Romney McDaniel admits the obvious: she’s officially another victim of Trump’s one-way loyalty
  • Former Michigan Congressman Mike Rogers is trying to rewrite his legislative history sponsoring legislative mirroring last week’s Alabama ruling that embryos are people

Joining the podcast is Lou Glazer, head of the economic think tank Michigan Future, a non-partisan, non-profit organization. Michigan Future’s mission is to be a source of new ideas on how Michigan can succeed as a world class community in a knowledge-driven economy. Its work is funded by Michigan foundations.

Glazer currently is heading efforts to implement a new agenda designed to raise household income for all. Prior to joining MFI, he served as Deputy Director of the Michigan Department of Commerce during the Blanchard Administration. He received Bachelors and Masters degrees from the University of Michigan.


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