A Republic, If You Can Keep It

A Republic, If You Can Keep It

“Dumb, Shameful, Dangerous, Un-American” (Guest: Christina Hines)

February 15, 2024

It’s been another remarkable week in national and state politics. Nationally, 

  • President Biden takes off the gloves – battering Donald Trump after Trump’s vow to abandon our NATO allies if they don’t pay protection.
  • The GOP’s governing body confirms it is part of the Trump family-run business, confirming his choice for a new Michigan GOP chair … but it’s not going to be a peaceful transition of power.
  • James Craig, once again considered a Republican frontrunner, gives up on his 2nd straight statewide campaign and says now he might run for Mayor of Detroit. 
  • A Republican state legislator loses his office and staff after promoting the racist “Great Replacement” theory.
  • Early voting starts Saturday for Michigan’s presidential primary … and 1.4-million voters have already requested absentee ballots. Will there be a large crossover vote
  • 142 new state laws went into effect on Tuesday – their effective dates delayed by a constitutional loophole exploited by legislative Republicans to delay the inevitable.
  • And Mark, always the activist, has filed an ethics complaint against his home-county prosecutor for using government facilities as a campaign prop

While most of the media coverage … and our discussions … focus on federal and statewide races, many of the races with the most direct impact on families are local. One of the most important in this election cycle is the effort by Democrats in Macomb County to flip the prosecutor’s office. Incumbent Peter Lucido, a MAGA Republican, has been controversial for years with a career highlighted by multiple allegations of sexual harassment, including one complaint filed by a Lansing reporter while he was in the Legislature.

Joining the podcast this week is the career prosecutor who is running to remove Lucido: Christina Hines. Right out of law school she became an assistant prosecutor in Wayne County, followed by service as the Chief of the Appeals Division at the Washtenaw County Prosecutor’s Office, and Chief of the Special Victims Unit Division. She was raised in Warren, is a graduate of Warren Woods Tower High School, and then the University of Michigan and Wayne State University law school where she now serves as an adjunct professor of law.

The problem with fixing the problem on the southwest border? Donald J. Trump. (The Lincoln Project)


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