A Republic, If You Can Keep It

A Republic, If You Can Keep It

Non-Liquid Gold (and other Iowa tall tales)

January 20, 2024
Self-described “stable genius” D. J. Trump cleverly labels Iowa’s #1 cash crop as “non-liquid gold.”

This week, on A Republic, If You Can Keep It: 

  • 17% of Republicans in the corn-rich state of Iowa have spoken. Their message: Trump really won in 2020, but half of them don’t want Trump in 2024.
  • Trump doubles-down on his contention that a President has a license to kill
  • Michigan Republicans prepare for their presidential-delegate-selection convention – but can they afford the room rental?
  • We may have a new contender in the race for the U.S. Senate nomination – as new polling shows the leader is some dude named “undecided.”
  • Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson steps into the redistricting controversy
  • The U.S. Supreme Court sidesteps the first in a series of anti-transgender Americans lawsuit
  • A new statewide poll shows Biden with a narrow lead over Trump – is it an outlier?

We start with the headline of the week – from Mother Jones:
Florida Man Facing 91 Criminal Counts Wins Iowa Caucuses


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