A Republic, If You Can Keep It

A Republic, If You Can Keep It

Three Strikes? You’re Out!

October 23, 2023

This episode is sponsored in part by EPIC•MRA Public Opinion Research

Rep. “Gym” Jordan – the latest to fall in the U.S. House “Who Wants to Be Speaker” Reality Show

Jim Jordan keeps going downhill in his quest to win the worst job in government. He’s now lost 3 votes and 1 closed-meeting secret ballot with more Republicans opposing him each time. Jeff and Mark do a deep dive into the political implications in Michigan for the 2024 federal elections in our state.

Also this week:

And we also have an exclusive first-person update on covid in Michigan. Cases, hospitalizations and deaths from covid are continuing to decline – but we have proof positive covid hasn’t disappeared. Jeff Timmer is in Day Five of a nasty case of covid, but managed to find his podcast microphone: a real trooper! In the words of philosopher Yogi Berra, “it ain’t over until it’s over” … and for Jeff and his wife, it ain’t over!

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