A Republic, If You Can Keep It

A Republic, If You Can Keep It


October 12, 2023

This episode is sponsored in part by EPIC•MRA Public Opinion Research

The ultra-right-wingers in the U.S. House tried to shut down the federal government and failed … but they have managed to shut down the House of Representatives. As we record this podcast, nobody can muster up the votes to take what’s the worst job in government: Speaker of the House of Representatives.

Also this week:

  • A new court filing says Michigan’s fake electors were operating under orders from Donald Trump … and they knew it.
  • RFK Jr., once the darling of Trump-Loving MAGAs when he was running as a Democrat, is now the enemy because he’s running as an independent.
  • The field of candidates lining up to run for congress against John James is growing
  • The first poll in the GOP primary race for U.S. Senate shows James Craig with a sizable lead over Mike Rogers 
  • The shooting death of a Lansing political activist while canvassing raises the question: is the fear factor a new controlling political dynamic?
  • The Legislature isn’t making headlines, but continues to move forward on most … but now all … of Democratic priority issues

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