A Republic, If You Can Keep It

A Republic, If You Can Keep It

Not Guilty Not Guilty Not Guilty (Guest: Jonathan Oosting)

August 10, 2023
Bridge Michigan state capitol reporter Jonathan Oosting

Not guilty, not guilty, not guilty, not guilty: it’s being said so much by Republicans these days, it might have to be included in the platform of the onetime “law and order” party. We update the status of various investigations and pre-trial activities of the once Grand Old Party.with Bridge Michigan reporter Jonathan Oosting who has been looking at some questionable sweetheart funding for a buddy of former Michigan House Speaker Jason Wentworth.

The 16 fake Michigan electors have all had their initial dates in court; Michigan Democrats could temporarily lose their 2-vote majority in the state House; Michigan looks at paying for roads through a pay-by-the-mile plan; and Mike Rogers looks like he’s ready to rejoin the campaign trail a decade after leaving Congress. 

And we can’t overlook the latest revelations about the many rich friends of Justice Clarence Thomas who apparently can’t resist the urge to lavish him with outrageously expensive vacations and excursions to sports events.

Jonathan Oosting was named 2021 Journalist of the Year by the Michigan Press Association. He covered the state Capitol for The Detroit News and MLive before joining Bridge in September of 2019. He is in his 11th year of covering the shenanigans in downtown Lansing. He has two masters degrees: English Language and Literature from Grand Valley, and Journalism from Michigan State. He’s from Grand Rapids, lives in Lansing and loves spending time Up North.


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