A Republic, If You Can Keep It

A Republic, If You Can Keep It

Indictments Week (Guest: Clara Hendrickson)

July 20, 2023

What a week:

  • Donald Trump on the cusp of another criminal indictment – if you’re keeping score, it would be his third…
  • 16 of the more prominent names in the Michigan Republican Party are indicted for the Fake Electors plot…
  • And Marjorie Taylor Greene appears in a Biden campaign commercial – supporting his record of accomplishment.

As much as we wanted to focus on BarbenHeimer, we’re also look at possible criminality by still another former Republican state House speaker … and a brazen attempt by the very broke Michigan Republican Party to force a do-over of 2022’s state House election.

We’re joined by the Detroit Free Press’s outstanding political reporter Clara Hendrickson, who maintain her equilibrium despite a very wild week! Clara covers Michigan politics with a focus on the governor’s office and the state Legislature. She has previously covered voting rights, election administration and redistricting in Michigan. 

She came to The Detroit Free Press by way of Report for America – an initiative of The GroundTruth Project – to fact-check Michigan issues and politics in partnership with PolitiFact during the 2020 election. She previously worked as a research analyst at the Brookings Institution and freelance journalist in Washington, D.C.

At Brookings, she wrote on a range of public policy issues, including rising regional inequality, domestic and international efforts to regulate “Big Tech” and the financial challenges confronting local newsrooms. Her journalism has appeared in Boston Review, Democracy Journal, The Atlantic and Politico Magazine. She has also contributed feature articles for the non-profit outlet DCist, such as the impact on service workers of eliminating late-night public transportation routes and efforts to provide residents affordable exercise options in neighborhoods that don’t have a gym.

Hendrickson holds a bachelor’s degree in political science from the University of Pennsylvania where she was an op-ed columnist for The Daily Pennsylvanian, frequently covering labor and income disparity issues on campus and in Philadelphia.

Attorney General Dana Nessel announces indictments of 16 Republican “Fake” presidential electors.
President Biden celebrates his “endorsement” from MGT!











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News Stories We’re Following This Week

Michigan Politics and Policy

National Policy and Politics