A Republic, If You Can Keep It

A Republic, If You Can Keep It

Courts, Ethics and Politics (Guest: Former Michigan Chief Justice Bridget McCormack)

July 14, 2023

For a second time, physical violence breaks out at a Michigan Republican Party leadership meeting … this time, complete with criminal charges pending. And speaking of Republican criminals, the federal investigation into Trump’s efforts to steal the 2020 election now involves testimony from Jocelyn Benson as the investigation spreads to Michigan, Arizona and Georgia.

Donald Trump’s apparent “get out of jail free” strategy is to get elected President or, at worst, get one of his MAGA wannabes elected so they tell the Justice Department to back off. It’s another challenge for a court system under increasing fire for political manipulation, conflicts of interest and outright corruption. We talk about a credibility crisis for the 3rd branch of government with former Michigan Chief Justice Bridget McCormack.

McCormack served on the Michigan Supreme Court from 2013 to 2022, first as an associate justice, and as chief justice from 2019 to 2022. Previously she was a professor at the University of Michigan Law School where she served as Michigan Law’s associate dean for clinical affairs, clinical professor of law, and co-director of the Michigan Innocence Clinic, a non-DNA clinic representing wrongfully convicted Michigan prisoners. McCormack also launched and worked in a pediatric advocacy law clinic focusing on children with health problems, and a domestic violence clinic. She retired from the Supreme Court at the end of 2022 and became President and Chief Executive Officer of the American Arbitration Association in February.

Her first campaign featured an online ad that went viral with 1.9 million views. “Walk and Talk the Vote” was a reunion of the West Wing cast focusing on her candidacy. The production was organized by her younger sister Mary – one of the stars of the iconic series – complete with West Wing stars including Martin Sheen, Brad Whitford, Allison Janney, Lily Tomlin and Joshua Malina.


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News Stories We’re Following This Week

Courts Under Fire

Michigan Policy and Politics

National Policy and Politics

And a fond farewell to the creator of something that’s Pure Michigan