A Republic, If You Can Keep It

A Republic, If You Can Keep It

Follow the Money

July 06, 2023
This week’s guest: House Ethics Committee Chair Erin Byrnes (D-Dearborn).

Michigan has some of the weakest government ethics and openness laws in the nation. After years of empty promises, Democrats in the Legislature are moving on a comprehensive reform package. Joining the podcast is the chair of the state House Ethics Committee, Dearborn Representative Erin Byrnes.

After weeks of a U.S. Senate race with just one prominent candidate, both parties are seeing some movement. Detroiter Hill Harper has launched his pre-announcement campaign for the Democratic primary; a former Congressman and Wall Street millionaire are moving towards running on the Republican side. The national drumbeat for a Whitmer presidential campaign continues to build, even as the Governor firmly commits to backing President BIden’s reelection. And we’ve got some interesting developments in two of Michigan’s most closely contested congressional districts.


This week’s podcast is underwritten in part by EPIC-MRA
EPIC ▪ MRA is a full service survey research firm with expertise in:

• Public Opinion Surveys

• Market Research Studies

• Live Telephone Surveys

• On-Line and Automated Surveys

• Focus Group Research

• Bond Proposals – Millage Campaigns

• Political Campaigns & Consulting

• Ballot Proposals – Issue Advocacy Research

• Community – Media Relations

• Issue – Image Management

• Database Development & List Management


News Stories We’re Following This Week

Michigan Policy and Politics

National Policy and Politics