A Republic, If You Can Keep It

A Republic, If You Can Keep It

Supreme Court Travels – and Other Scandals (Guest: Craig Mauger)

June 22, 2023
This week’s guest: award-winning Detroit News Lansing reporter Craig Mauger.

Republicans keep shooting themselves in the foot — while Joe Biden stands alone in focusing on actually dealing with the challenges facing ordinary Americans. We’ve got another Republican-appointed Supreme Court Justice eyebrow-deep in a scandal over luxury vacations paid for by billionaire GOP activists; U.S. House Republicans censuring Adam Schiff for exposing the criminal history of their Lord and Master, Donald Trump; a cat fight between the two leading House crazies, with Marjorie Taylor Greene calling Lauren Boebert “a little bitch” as they fight over who gets to impeach Josef Biden; and leading the way, Donald Trump going on Fox TV and confessing to obstruction of justice and violating the Espionage Act.

And Michigan isn’t exempt from the crazy. There are internal GOP feuds in multiple county party organizations, and the chair of the party has been hit with thousands of dollars in court-ordered sanctions thanks to one of the many Big LIe lawsuits filed in Michigan. In this week’s podcast we catch up with what’s happening in Lansing which has it’s own list of ongoing investigations into misdeeds. We’ll be joined by award-winning Detroit News statehouse reporter Craig Mauger.


This week’s podcast is underwritten in part by EPIC-MRA
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