A Healthy Bite - ThatOrganicMom

A Healthy Bite - ThatOrganicMom

Coffee Benefits for Health and Happiness

July 11, 2022

Who doesn't love drinking coffee? I grew up making a cup for my Dad and I knew exactly how he liked it. My coffee buds (thats the taste buds reserved for coffee) have evolved over the years. I think I started out putting copious amounts of sugar in mine but that didn't last too long. For the most part, I've enjoyed my coffee pretty creamy.

A morning without coffee is like sleep.

I'm sharing my love for coffee today. In addition to its many energy boosting benefits, there are a multitude of health related ones. Keep reading.

If you are like me, you enjoy drinking coffee every morning. Perhaps, you don't even think about why you drink coffee anymore.

Let me remind you.

Coffee Benefits for Health

We drink that daily cup of Joe for its unique health benefits and because it tastes so good. Okay, that's the last time I'll call it a cup of Joe, I promise!

So what about a cup of coffee that gets our day started on the right foot?

The morning cup of coffee has an exhilaration about it which the cheering influence of the afternoon or evening cup of tea cannot be expected to reproduce.Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr.

The answer can vary depending on the coffee beans, the roast, and what you put in it.

You may get conflicting information regarding whether or not drinking coffee has health benefits. Have no fear; I'm not about to suggest you reduce your coffee intake. I am all for drinking coffee daily.

Especially if you choose a coffee free of mycotoxins and other impurities, you'll want to drink just the right amount to get the health benefits, so you don't end up with negative side effects. You may feel jittery or experience an increase in heart rate from having too much caffeine.

When it comes to caffeine, a light roast bean contains virtually the same amount as a dark roast bean. For years, I believed the myth that light roast had more because less was burned off in the roasting process. However, darker roasted beans weigh less and are slightly larger.

So the only way to be sure to get the same amount of caffeine cup per cup is to go by weight, not volume.

Now, let's look at the research-backed benefits of drinking coffee. But before we move on, you can try Purity Coffee at 10% off with coupon code TOM10. Enjoy!

Scientifically Proven Health Benefits of Coffee

Yes, coffee has scientifically proven health benefits. While researching this article, I came across so many studies that I found it impossible to read even a fraction of them. I've limited the list of benefits to the ones with the most research.

But note that there are still more health benefits from drinking coffee than are listed in this article.

My top five favorite health benefits of drinking coffee are:

Drinking coffee can help you live longer.Lowers the risk of cardiovascular diseaseIt May help lower the risk of metabolic syndrome and slow weight gain (Referring to black coffee, not drinks with added sugar, etc.)The antioxidants in coffee may help you live a longer, healthier life.Coffee consumption puts you in a better mood. 

Coffee is the number one diet source of antioxidants in many countries including the United States, Italy, Spain, and Norway.

Other Potential Health Benefits of Coffee Consumption

Besides the fantastic energy boost, coffee has many other potential health benefits you'll want to consider.

Lowered Risk of Cardiovascular Disease

An increased coffee intake was associated with a significantly decreased risk of heart failure. Studies showed that people who drink three to five cups of coffee daily had a lower risk of heart disease than those who drink no coffee or more than five cups per day.

Coffee consumption was consistently associated with a lower risk of mortality from all causes of cardiovascular disease, coronary heart disease, and stroke in a non-linear relation, with summary estimates indicating the most significant reduction in relative risk at three cups a day. 1