A Healthy Bite - ThatOrganicMom

A Healthy Bite - ThatOrganicMom

Learn How to Thrive; Not Just Survive as a Working Mom

June 21, 2021

How the heck do you do it? That's the question working moms often ask one another when they feel like they’re falling behind while everyone else they know is keeping up with it all. (Which usually isn't the case!)

Working all day is tough enough, but then to come home to a house that needs cleaning, a hungry family, loads of laundry, and an empty fridge, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg!

You gotta be kidding me! Yeah, that's a lot. As moms, we have a tendency to martyr ourselves, putting our needs last of all.

I see you, mama, running one kid to Taekwondo, the other to baseball, then rushing home to do laundry before you go pick them up and try to figure out what's for dinner. 

Many moms are also operating without the help of a spouse as a single-parent, or married without help because either he's working out of town, or he works two jobs or an insane number of hours each week.

Some of my personal favorite tips, which are also mentioned in today’s episode.

Learning to Thrive as a Working Mom

* Don't set unreasonable expectations for yourself and acknowledge that no one can do it all.* Ask for help when you need it.* Eliminate, Delegate, and Automate* Practice Self Care.

Get more tips in the book The Working Mom Blueprint: Winning at Parenting Without Losing Yourself.

Learn how to thrive—not just survive— as a modern mom.

You love your kids. You’re proud of your professional accomplishments. You have hobbies and friends. And you’re tired. So tired. Working moms often feel like they’re failing on many different fronts. But what if there was a guide to reenvisioning, reprioritizing, and restructuring to build a vibrant, intentional life? As a practicing pediatrician and mother of 2 young daughters, Dr. Whitney Casares understands balancing family and career. She shares honest insights about her own challenges combined with her professional expertise about children of working moms—they thrive!—to create a reassuring guide to navigating modern motherhood. In this practical plan, you’ll learn to set priorities, cultivate self-care, establish an equal parenting partnership, delegate whenever appropriate, and more. With help from Dr. Casares’ advice, it’s time to make motherhood joyful again.Blueprint

Meet Whitney Casares

Whitney Casares, MD, MPH, FAAP, is a board-certified, practicing pediatrician and the creator of the popular website modernmommydoc.com. She is the mother of two young daughters and lives in Portland, OR. Media features include Sirius XM Radio, Good Housekeeping, The Bump, Scary Mommy and more).

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