A Healthy Bite - ThatOrganicMom

A Healthy Bite - ThatOrganicMom

Childhood Nutrition Tips and Strategies with Jackie Vega

June 08, 2020

Childhood nutrition is essential for growth and development as well as to prevent illness and disease. You want to prepare healthy meals and snacks for your kids but between finding the time and choosing foods they'll eat it can be overwhelming.

For the last 29 years, I've tried every technique to provide a well-balanced diet for my six children and I've collected lots of great strategies. Still, I feel like there's always more to learn. Today, Jackie Vega, a registered dietician, and blogger is here to share some of her best tips on childhood nutrition.

Listen to the podcast episode using the player above or using your favorite podcast players such as iTunes, Stitcher or Spotify.
Healthy sleep and healthy eating habits complement each other. The food you eat can have an impact on your sleep patterns and the hours of sleep you are getting or losing. Likewise, the quality and amount of sleep you are getting will impact on your food intake. - The Wellness Solution
One tip Jackie mentioned during this episode reminded me of charcuterie, with shrimp cocktail, cut vegetables, cheese, meat, pickles, olives, and other whole foods. My children also enjoy having a spread of foods to graze on during movie night, game night, or other gatherings.

She also mentioned pizza and I think this is a good way to get kids to eat a small number of vegetables with their pepperoni. Don't be afraid to add a few bell peppers to that pepperoni pizza!

Jackie also shares with us a few tips on other pillars of health, because food is only one part of a healthy lifestyle. Sleep, nutrition, movement, and limiting screentime are four factors that parents must monitor carefully for keeping kids mentally and physically healthy.
More Tips for Childhood Nutrition
Jackie has so much helpful information on health and nutrition on The Wellness Solution! Here are a few resources related to this podcast episode:

* Healthy Habits and Foods that Help You Sleep
* Great podcast about behavioral changes regarding nutrition and the family.
* Jackie's podcast episode about healthy kids.
* Meal Prep for busy moms

Find Jackie on social media: Facebook, Instagram, and her second Instagram account.

Jackie Vega a licensed, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist in private practice in south Florida specializing in recipe development, meal planning, fitness consulting, integrating personal lifestyles into individualized programming. She has more than 7 years of experience.

Her areas of expertise include women's health and pediatrics.
