A Healthy Bite - ThatOrganicMom

A Healthy Bite - ThatOrganicMom

How to stop waiting and start living during the pandemic

April 07, 2020

Are you in a holding pattern during the pandemic?

Maybe it feels like you're in the Twilight Zone?

During my last appointment with Dr. J, my psychologist, I confirmed that I was handling things better than expected. We talked about my mindset, and she encouraged me to share these thoughts with you all.

So here we are.

Another chance for you to learn from my mistakes!

In the first half of my life, I had the tendency to put off living while I waited for my "real life" to start. Some people put off living while they wait to graduate college, others wait for marriage to begin really living.

Perhaps as a young adult, many of us "wait" to start living until we feel like we have accomplished something that deems us worthy of  "a real life."

Yes, I spent my teen years and early twenties telling myself that when I started my own family life would truly start. Always looking towards some future event as the starting point of life. Once I realized I had done this, it was too late to do anything about it - the time was already wasted and I couldn't get it back.

Still, it served as a good lesson for my current situation. Being "Stuck" at home.
Making good use of our time at home
While I am in self-isolation, instead of waiting for some unknown time when this pandemic will end, I choose to live.

Of course, the way I choose to live has it's limits, but I am in control of my attitude while I wait. I'm in charge of what I do with my time while I am at home. The obstacle, this virus, will not keep me from being useful or productive.

I will take on my life right where I am. What can I do with myself and what do I have to offer those around me during this time?

What I don't want to do is to start avoiding life.

In fact, no matter what I do with each day, no matter what YOU choose to do with each day: This Is Life. Regardless of your participation, or your lack of participation, in life - life is still happening!

Don't wait.


Yes, the world is spinning out of control it seems, but your life is real and it's now. Your life is not on pause while we are awaiting the end of this pandemic. Every day, life is still going on, whether you choose to hide from it, or participate in it.

[Tweet "Don't wait. Live."]
Make a plan
It's true, you can't go to the gym, but there are millions of online workouts that you can do for free. Walking is free. Do some form of exercise every day.

Maybe you can't have coffee with friends, but you can Facetime, Skype, or Zoom to see their faces. Start having a "happy hour" or "coffee time" with your besties. If they won't respond, keep reaching out, don't give up. Tell them that it's important to you that they keep in touch while you are apart!

You might not be able to go to work or work from home, but you could participate in a hobby or teaching others how to do something you are good at!

Yes, life is hard right now. Things are frustrating and challenging and tiring. No one is denying that.

I just want to encourage you to live. Don't stay in a holding pattern, waiting to start life again when this pandemic ends. We don't know how long that will be, so to stay healthy, the best thing you can do is to live life in a new and productive way.

If you need someone to talk to feel free to reach out to me and make sure you are on my email list because I'm sending out tons of encouragement right now!
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