A Healthy Bite - ThatOrganicMom

A Healthy Bite - ThatOrganicMom

Everything You Need to Know to Start AIP with Sophie Van Tiggelen

January 13, 2020

Starting the Autoimmune Protocol
Can the AIP (autoimmune protocol) help you?

If you have been diagnosed with an Autoimmune disease, you may feel overwhelmed. Feeling helpless and wondering "what next" is normal. Maybe your doctor has told you that this is something you'll be dealing with for the rest of your life.

That's why it's so important to know that with the right protocol, you can make serious strides towards improvement. Using dietary and lifestyle changes, you can slow or even stop the progression of an autoimmune disease. There are cases of people going into complete remission using the AIP.
AIP Foodie
Sophie Van Tiggelen is an autoimmune warrior, foodie, recipe developer, and photographer, who was diagnosed with Hashimoto's disease in 2009. She was experiencing panic attacks and anxiety, brain fog, and heart palpitations, among other symptoms.

After years of persistent and painful symptoms, Sophie began a strict anti-inflammatory diet called the Autoimmune Protocol or AIP. Within a short time, she began to regain her health and vitality.

Sophie began by removing all inflammatory foods, especially sugary ones. She then began taking natural supplements prescribed by her functional medicine practitioner. To cope with anxiety, she started seeing a therapist to learn techniques to help her relax and slow down her anxious thoughts.

After years of living the lifestyle, creating recipes, menus, and strategies, Sophie has helped many other people. Through her website, she helps others learn to change habits and adopt the AIP lifestyle so they can feel better. Her advice is, "Don't give up, be persistent! All your efforts will pay off, and you will feel so much better!"

In addition to multiple cookbooks, one which we are discussing in this episode of A Healthy Bite, Sophie has an AIP Made Simple Membership. You can hear more about it in the podcast episode or read about it on the membership site.
A Squirrel in the Kitchen
Sophie has lots of free resources on her site, A Squirrel in the Kitchen, including recipes, books, tips, and strategies. The latest book is The Autoimmune Protocol Meal Prep Cookbook. This is more than a cookbook; everything is planned out for you!

The menus each have a theme for the week. Each menu has recipes, grocery lists, steps and instructions in detail.

My favorite recipe that I have tried so far is the Pomegranate gummies. I am still working my way through all of the recipes. Even if you don't meal prep, you'll still want this book for the recipes. You will not feel deprived when you use this cookbook!

Questions in this episode:
Tell us a little bit about yourself. (where you're from, family, hobbies, or work, etc.)

What is the Paleo Autoimmune Protocol?

What got you started following the AutoImmune Protocol?

Give us some examples of yes and no foods on AIP?

Do you still follow the AIP and/or how long did you follow it?

Does everyone in your family follow the AIP? How does it work when you have kids?

What improvements did you notice once you began following AIP?

You wrote The Autoimmune Protocol Meal Prep Cookbook to help others achieve success - what's the hardest part about following the AIP diet?