A Healthy Bite - ThatOrganicMom

A Healthy Bite - ThatOrganicMom

The Best Sleep Hack to Drastically Improve Every Area of Life

November 21, 2019

Don't spend all night tossing and turning
You'll spend a third of your life in bed. You don't want to spend it tossing and turning! So let us help you make it count with the best sleep hack ever.

Whether you are going for gold, climbing the corporate ladder, or chasing toddlers - you won't reach your peak performance if you haven't slept well. Like I had to tell you that! Don't worry; there is a solution! Since getting a night of deep sleep is certainly not getting easier, let's take a look at some sleep hacks to help solve this problem!
The Sleep Switch
Did you know that your sleep temperature is more important than the number of hours you sleep? At bedtime, a "sleep switch" occurs that releases melatonin that prepares you for sleep. During this time, your heart rate will decrease, your brain waves abate, and your muscles relax.

The first half of the night is super important. Deep sleep occurs during this period and is known as delta sleep. During this sleep period, everything drops further, heart rate, breathing, blood pressure, muscle activity, and body temperature! Deep sleep occurs right before the body drops to its lowest point temperature-wise. This stage of sleep is deeply meditative and dream-free. During the last part of the night, the body begins to warm up and come out of the core body temperature phase. Warming is part of the waking up process. Some people may struggle to wake up during this stage, and when using a traditional alarm, they will feel groggy and confused due to a disruption in sleep! No brainer, I know!

That groggy and confused state is why we NEED to get into a deep sleep!
There's a lot going on during the deep sleep stage, and all of it is beneficial. If you've ever had a rough night of tossing and turning, or experienced insomnia, you know it affects cognitive performance, especially for your short- and long-term memory, as well as your brain's ability to absorb new information. Since glucose metabolism escalates during deep sleep, it strengthens your memory and overall learning capability.
Other benefits of deep sleep include:

* Cell regeneration
* Increased blood flow to muscles
* A stronger immune system
* Energy renewal
* Development, growth, and repair of tissues and bones

That's why MY favorite sleep hack is temperature-related.

Chili's nature-based sleep solutions are an easy way to change your sleep naturally. No pills, no willpower needed! Because cooling is the ultimate hack to get great sleep! In fact, you can trigger your brain to fall asleep 98% faster!

[Tweet "you can trigger your brain to fall asleep 98% faster #sleephacks"]
Sleep Hack for Weight Loss
Did you know sleeping in colder temperatures promotes weight loss?

Researchers kept sleeping rooms at a neutral 75 degrees for the first month, and in the following month reduced temperatures to 66 degrees. For the third month temperatures were returned to the neutral 75 degrees before being increased to a warm 81 degrees for the final month. Following each month during the study, the amount of brown fat was measured.

The results were that the colder temperatures noticeably changed the participant's bodies. After the month of sleeping at the colder 66-degree temperatures, volumes of good or brown fat had almost doubled. They had indeed lost belly fat from sleeping cold.
Sleep Hack for Better Health
Sick and tired of being sick and tired? I get it, and I'm here to tell you: Health Starts with a Good Night's Sleep!