A Healthy Bite - ThatOrganicMom

A Healthy Bite - ThatOrganicMom

Brave New Medicine – A Doctors Unconventional Path to Healing her Autoimmune Illness with Cynthia Li, MD

October 07, 2019

All over the world, millions of people have had their lives devastated due to unknown or unsolved illnesses. In addition, "many patients presenting with medically unexplained symptoms also meet the diagnostic criteria for anxiety and/or depression." (1)

If you've ever experienced chronic illness, you know why these symptoms usually accompany depression. Feeling pain on a daily basis can cause depression. Concern over frightening symptoms can create anxiety and lead to panic attacks.

It's all so hard to unravel.
It's all in your head
For those with chronic pain or symptoms of illness lasting more than six months, every day tasks can become challenging. When the illness is something that others can't see, there is another layer of complication. Living with an invisible illness can be an isolating experience which often brings about feelings of self-doubt.

The first instinct when experiencing mysterious symptoms is typically to seek a diagnosis.

A patient may feel disappointed after visiting the doctor a few times without receiving answers. In fact, among those with chronic illness, seeing many doctors without answers may become the norm. This can be even more frustrating when you pay a doctor only to hear, "there's nothing wrong with you."

What can be even more discouraging is when a doctor tells you "it's psychosomatic." There is a mind-body connection but likely it's not all in your head.
Definition of psychosomatic

* of, relating to, concerned with, or involving both mind and body
* of, relating to, involving, or concerned with bodily symptoms caused by mental or emotional disturbance

If you've ever been told you are "perfectly normal" when seeking a help for what clearly feels like dis-ease in your physical body, you'll want to listen to A Healthy Bite with Dr. Cynthia Li.
Brave New Medicine
In her book, Dr. Li shares her path to healing; how she overcame debilitating symptoms and the journey to recovery.

Dr. Li was enjoying a successful in her career in medicine, but this became a challenge when an autoimmune thyroid condition led to mysterious symptoms in her body.

Like many people with an undiagnosed illness, test after test came back "within normal limits." She started to question her illness and, being a doctor, referred herself to a psychiatrist, who told her she was in good mental health.

At this point, Dr. Li was sent back to other specialists for more tests. At home with two young children, Dr. Li embarks upon the journey to find a way to heal herself. She becomes more regimented, prioritizes sleep, and eats healthier. As a practicing vegetarian, she began to do more research which led to her altering her food choices.

Brave New Medicine chronicles the quest of a young doctor and mother who bravely shifts her thinking. She undertakes an investigation into the root causes of her sickness. It is on this path, Dr. Li explores the emotional and spiritual side of healing.

Dr. Li wrote her memoir in hopes it would offer support, validation, and a new perspective for doctors and patients alike. Through her story, she hopes to share how patients can also begin a healing journey.
An amazing perspective
Over the years,