A Dad's Mission For Success show

A Dad's Mission For Success show

It’s Ok To Ask For Help

January 17, 2016

https://youtu.be/ww5Avb5QKskIt is ok to ask for help.How many times have you been stuck in the middle of a project and just don't know where to go next? What about in your business? Have you go to a certain point in you journey and just not had a clue as to what path you need to take next?Yeah, I know you know what I am talking about.What happens to us when we get stuck is that we get down on ourselves. We feel like we aren't good enough. Like we don't have the secret sauce.It's time to put that aside.It is okay to ask for helpI have a couple of key mentors that I look to on any given day. I may not speak to them every day or every week but I know when I really get stuck, I can call them and they will help. I use these mentors to help me become a better person and remember that I am not perfect and I am still learning.You should have these mentors too.Whenever you feel like you're in a rut, call a mentor. Ask for advice. Move forward. You're worth it.FOLLOW MEhttp://jamestew.mehttp://instagram.com/james_tewhttp://twitter.com/james_tewhttp://facebook.com/thesocialentrepreneurblogBeme: james_tewJOIN THE SUCCESS ARMYhttp://jamestew.activehosted.com/form/14