Projects – The A440 Podcast

Projects – The A440 Podcast

Value and the Vinyl Resurgence (S2, E11)

January 02, 2020
BIO-02_edited.jpg?resize=350%2C233Michael Dixon,

MICHAEL DIXON repairs and restores vintage mono machines; trains newbies and hobbyists to lathe-cut their own records; releases hand-cut records through his label, PIAPTK; takes educational programming into schools; and lathe cuts short-run albums for garage bands, weddings, and big-time recording artists like Godspeed You! Black Emperor and Sufjan Stevens through his company,

I caught up to Mike through The Secret Society of Lathe Trolls, a forum devoted to “record-cutting deviants, renegades, professionals and experimenters.”

For more about Michael Dixon, click here.

Artists mentioned in this episode: