Backyard Pet Talk with Shannon Riley

Backyard Pet Talk with Shannon Riley

Cows, Ants, Termites, and Me: Revealing the World of Animals One Newspaper Column at a Time By Karen B. London, PhD

August 28, 2023

In todays episode Karen B. London tells us about her book Cows, Ants, Termites, and Me: Revealing the World of Animals One Newspaper Column at a Time! Shannon and Karen share some of their favorite stories from the book.

Author Karen B. London, PhD combines her scientific training, natural wit, and storytelling skills to create Cows, Ants, Termites, and Me—an engaging compilation of 145 newspaper columns that have appeared in the Arizona Daily Sun beginning in 2008. Her twice-monthly animal column covers tales of the weird and wonderful from well-known animals such as giraffes and honey bees along with less well-known ones such as Gordian worms and balloon flies. Entertaining and informative, this collection of science-based essays offers readers an opportunity to learn a considerable amount about natural history, ecology, taxonomy, evolution, and behavior.

Topics range from birds who benefit from sleep when learning songs, to mosquitoes that perform duets, to Arctic Terns flying around the world, to dung beetles navigating by the stars. Did birds really evolve from dinosaursHow do camels survive such dry environments? How do termites build their own air conditioning systems? Do animals really use tools? The columns in this book answer these and so many other interesting questions in an engaging style. Karen London's writing is both accurate and enjoyable, making it popular among scientists and nature enthusiasts alike.

Cows, Ants, Termites, and Me belongs with books about natural history, zoology, animals, animal behavior, and collections of essays.

Check out her book here: