9th Story Podcast

9th Story Podcast

9th Story: Episode 20

March 31, 2014

First, this is show is for adults. If you're not one - or you have the sense of humor of a rock - and you stumbled in here somehow, now is the time to do an about-face and get off the elevator. For everyone else...

Like a train picking up steam - like a runner hitting his stride, it's time to loose the caboose and push the slower moving racers out of the way. With episode #20 of the 9th Story, it's like multiple squirts of Mio in your water - it changes everything.

Get ready, Cats and Kittens, for the New and Improved 9th Story Podcast. No more pulling punches and no more detritus to slow us down. 

Listen in to hear about the two HUGE authors who will be joining us for interviews in the coming months. 

Find out:

  • Why Sinbad might not be a friend of the Dairy Farmers of America, and what he does with his chub.
  • How to know your characters through your characters.
  • Writing Zen.
  • Black, midget cowboys.
  • When are blood an donuts a good idea?
  • Why do Gary and Harry return? 

If you love us or hate us, this is the show you will love or hate.

You're welcome.

9thStory?d=yIl2AUoC8zA 9thStory?d=63t7Ie-LG7Y 9thStory?i=xnlFQaK-bK4:oir4OjE5WaQ:V_sGLiPBpWU 9thStory?d=qj6IDK7rITs 9thStory?i=xnlFQaK-bK4:oir4OjE5WaQ:gIN9vFwOqvQ 9thStory?d=TzevzKxY174