9th Story Podcast

9th Story Podcast

9th Story: Episode 19

March 28, 2014

God gave Rock and Roll to you, the best we can do is give you Fake Gene Simmons and a post mortem  on the work of Harold Ramis.

You want show notes? What is this? The 90's when people still bought the CDs? You know you just download the mp3s from iTunes. You got an image and this description. Consider yourself lucky.

Besides, Rock and Roll and Ramis are both for breaking the rules. So there!

OK. We'll comply with good taste and the law and put up the links to the music we used in the show. But, later...after a nap. We party at night cats and kittens.  Head over to podcast.9thstory.com for the attributions....later today...after second lunch.

9thStory?d=yIl2AUoC8zA 9thStory?d=63t7Ie-LG7Y 9thStory?i=zyh747SGSHQ:fXcJIqlgZt4:V_sGLiPBpWU 9thStory?d=qj6IDK7rITs 9thStory?i=zyh747SGSHQ:fXcJIqlgZt4:gIN9vFwOqvQ 9thStory?d=TzevzKxY174