9th Story Podcast

9th Story Podcast

9th Story: Episode 18

March 26, 2014

During episode 18 of the 9th Story Podcast, we visit a few demons and bad seeds from days of yore. However, the most haunting of the demons is the one known as Sammy Hagar who once again reminds us about the Power of Nine: pointing out that 18 is in fact 1 and 8. And, 1 and 8 added together is 9. Get it? It’s 9 all over the place! There’s some other stuff too…

  • American Psycho’s iconic Patrick Bateman: Did you ever think you would hear sports reporters make allusions to Bret Easton Ellis’ Bateman character? They did. And, afterward, they had dinner at Dorsia.
  • Dan and Craig talk about going “back to basics” in terms of the show’s format and contemplate which theme song would work better: “Just The Two of Us” or “Reunited”…Ultimately, it’s up to you the listener.
  • Gutter Alert! Gutter Alert! It takes Dan a mere eleven minutes until he steers the show straight off the rails.
  • Listener Mail Bag: Craig reads a not-so-flattering piece of “fan mail” from the worldly jackass, Christian Saint-Jean Smythe. Saint-Jean Smythe, the producer/manager of Ignernt, the Band, is just spoiling to come on the show to lock horns with us!
  • All Hail AMC!!! We laud the talking heads at AMC (and NBC) and give them “mad props” for, in a few instances, letting writers do what they do: Tell stories! Specifically, we talk about character and plot development in “Walking Dead”, “Breaking Bad” and “Hannibal” 
  • Detritus? What is detritus? Look it up. We are not a dictionary. (Unless the dictionary is a dictionary of allusions in which case, we are, sometimes, a dictionary)
  • The Brits and story-telling: Why are they so much better at story-telling and why does it permeate every facet of their British-ness? (Even their heavy metal bands – Iron Maiden, for example – have songs based on books!)
  • To “Like” or “Not To Like” – Why is it OK to “Like” something that you may not like? A paradox? Not at all. It’s the Theory of the Stern? People who don’t like Stern listen longer than the people who do. You should listen to us – whether you like us or not – and find out why. I dare you!
  • “The key to happiness is not giving a fuck what anyone else thinks.” A wonderfully uplifting mantra uttered by Dan during the show. You’ll have to listen to see “why” it isn’t as questionable as it sounds; particularly as it relates to the Writer’s Craft!
  • Dan gives a post-mortem on his work “The Ride” and discusses what worked and what didn’t. He also offers a haunting insight into some of the story’s inspiration.

Use Your Allusion: We focus on the family at the 9th Story and give a little more insight into what is meant by the term “Bad Seed” while conducting an ad hoc interview with our own bad seed, Victoria.


Music courtesy of Kevin McLeod
"Dead Drop"


Intro and Outro Music also Courtesy of Kevin McLeod
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
For a full list of music used in the Intro and Outro, click here.

Music courtesy of LoveShadow
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
"When Tomorrow Comes"

Music courtesy of Tomas PhUsIoN
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
"Ophelia's Symphony"

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NEW NUMBER - (206) 333-0151

A Hic Sunt Fabulas Production
Produced by Dan Foytik
(c) 2014 Dan Foytik, Craig Weber, 9th Story

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