9th Story Podcast

9th Story Podcast

9th Story: Episode 16

March 05, 2014

While Lolita sits in the car listening to the musical splendor of Marilyn Manson, author Rich Bottles Jr., takes the lift up to the 9th Story for Episode 16.

You will be touched in a very deep and profound way from this day forward, as you listen to Rich regale us with his insight and the inspiration behind the macabre tales set in his beloved West Virginia.

  • Ever been stuck in the caboose? Well, Rich has. Find out how an innocent train ride inspired his tale of lumberjacks attacking coeds in the West Virginia mountains.
  • Something, something, something...dark side. How do we come to write about the dark side of human nature? And, when you walk down the dark path, will your readers follow?
  • Do you ever wonder about the IT guys in your workplace? Do you say to yourself "Hey, these guys talk to machines all day and read boring technical manuals. That has to make them a little crazy after a while, right?" Not necessarily. But, it does spawn a great need for creative release. Listen to hear Rich describe how.
  • Ever taken a tour of penitentiary and said "Boy, this would be a great place to make a porno!" If you haven't, why not?
  • Listening to music backwards may cause you to hear hidden messages from our Satanic overlords but, reading a book backwards may be the best way to edit and catch mistakes. Listen to hear Rich and Dan discuss "How"
  • Dan drops in a few euphemisms like "I'm here for this inch" and "I kinda like it when there's not a happy ending." Normally, they would pass right by the listener unnoticed. But, now that I've brought them to your attention...
  • When is a book like a 62,000 word joke? And, is the ending of the book the punch-line? One of the books authored by Rich fits this description. Tune in to find out which one.
  • The current and future state of self-publishing. Just because you can sit down in the morning, write a manuscript in the afternoon and publish it in the evening, should you?
  • Dear Easily Offended, this is a work featuring gratuitous sex and gratuitous violence consequently; you may be offended! Listen to Rich and Dan discuss the "art" of being true to thyself and finding a niche.
  • Me not know what Bizarro means! If your only familiarity with Bizarro is from Superman or from that episode of "Seinfeld", tune in to find out what is meant by Bizarro fiction.

This episode of the 9th Story is sponsored by Audible. Visit http://www.audibletrial.com/story for your free audible book download.


Find Rich's Three Novels and submit your own Dark Fiction to Burning Bulb Publishing

Find Anthologies featuring Rich at Strange House Books

Buy Rich's work on Amazon

Find more Rich right here at Surreal Grotesque

Find Rich in Person at Horror Hound
Cincinnati, OH
March 22nd - March 24th

Music courtesy of Kevin McLeod
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
"Walking Along"

Music courtesy of Kevin McLeod
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
"Acid Jazz"

Intro and Outro Music also Courtesy of Kevin McLeod
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
For a full list of music used in the Intro and Outro, click here.

Music courtesy of Admiral Bob
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
"12 Bar Rythym"

Music Courtesy of Igner'nt
Used with Permission
"Work Fantasy"
Words and Music by Steven Matiko and Christian Saint-Jean Smythe

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NEW NUMBER - (206) 333-0151

A Hic Sunt Fabulas Production
Produced by Dan Foytik
(c) 2014 Dan Foytik, Craig Weber, 9th Story

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