9th Story Podcast

9th Story Podcast

9th Story: Episode Five

November 14, 2013

In Episode 5 of the 9th Story podcast, Dan and Craig break a lot of rules.

Most notably, they break the Golden Rule of Entertainment: Always leave the audience wanting more! This episode clocks in at nearly 90 minutes of King-Sized fun and folderal. So, grab a snack and a tasty beverage, gird your loins and hunker down for a bit of (mostly) wholesome entertainment. In addition to breaking that particular rule, Dan shares a story with the audience in which he breaks every one of Elmore Leonard's Ten Rules of Writing.

Get your very own copy here.

Craig talks a little bit about William Safire's "Fumblerules"

When you tune in this week, you'll also learn about great moments of unscripted dialogue from movies like "Jaws", "Caddyshack", "Empire Strikes Back" and "Taxi Driver," and the hosts briefly discuss Harrison Ford's lack of "intestinal fortitude" and, they make veiled references to a rumored love triangle between Matt Damon, Matthew McConaughey and Ben Affleck.

There's another segment of the wildly popular "Use Your Allusion" and several references to Siskel and Ebert (but mostly Ebert - despite the fact that Siskel was our favorite!)

Other interesting tidbits from this week's show:

One host really flatters the writing skills of the other. And, you'll find out why one of us is a bit concerned about Victoria, why one of us may be deported to Canada after the show airs and, why Keanu Reeves moved in and out of a Southern accent in "Devil's Advocate" (OK. We don't really reveal "why" he moved in and out of the accent...we simply draw attention to it.)

And, if you stick around to the end, you get to hear "a" National Anthem. We're not saying which nation though.

Brought to you by the RCMP, Hey Buddy, Hey Pal, Geddy Lee,  Gary Busey, SCTV, Hoser, and the crew at Bob's  Only Very Slightly Low on Air Red Bouncey Balls .

Starring: The Chief, Little Bob and Victoria

Thanks to the Stepfather from the Caveman Mafia Podcast for a great station ID!

Also thanks to "Gary Busey" for a poorly impersonated celebrity endorsement.

Show Notes with Music and Sound Attribution

9thStory?d=yIl2AUoC8zA 9thStory?d=63t7Ie-LG7Y 9thStory?i=zuH_2TpUfRA:4acfdKNO9nQ:V_sGLiPBpWU 9thStory?d=qj6IDK7rITs 9thStory?i=zuH_2TpUfRA:4acfdKNO9nQ:gIN9vFwOqvQ 9thStory?d=TzevzKxY174