Kevin 英文不難
Latest Episodes
#319. 日本產業的發展趨勢 Current Development Status of Japanese Industries
Beyond 5GAI---- IEK
#318. 什麼是 Net Zero Emissions?(來賓:Stephen Su)
Stephen Su---- IEK
#317. 烏克蘭無人機開始轟炸俄國基地
Explosions at two Russian air bases Monday have focused attention on Ukraines efforts to develop longer-range combat drones.----++https://www.meta
#316. 舊金山允許警察用機器人殺壞人
8 3 But deadly robots can only be used as a last resort measure when lives are in danger and all other options like de-escalation tactics and alternative force have been exhausted.----YouTube 3
#315. 美國一位黑人對亞裔女子說「去吃狗配飯」(Part 3)
App 1.5HR SoundOn
#314. 美國一位黑人對亞裔女子說「去吃狗配飯」(Part 2)
You heard what I said, go eat your dog with some rice. Bitch.----Podcast
#313. 美國一位黑人對亞裔女子說「去吃狗配飯」(Part 1)
You heard what I said, go eat your dog with some rice. Bitch.----Podcast
#312. 世界人口突破 80 億
80 The world population reached 8 billion people on Tuesday, and India is expected to surpass China as the most populous country in the next year.----Podcast https://www.kevinenglishp
#311. 棕色噪音也許可以提高你的專注力
ADHD Imagine a deep, static rumble, like the low roar of a jet engine. The sound is called brown noise and has become popular among people with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder as a to
#310. 哈薩克海關不承認紐西蘭護照
A Kiwi tourist who travelled to Kazakhstan claims she was detained at the border by officials who were skeptical that New Zealand was, in fact, a country.---- https://www.accupass.c