Kevin 英文不難
Latest Episodes
#366. 酒後吐真言:主管、員工(Part 4)
----- ChatGPT
#365. 酒後吐真言:主管、員工(Part 3)
----- ChatGPT
#364. 酒後吐真言:主管、員工(Part 2)
-----EmmaEmma559kevintw10 2023.12.31#Emma #
#363. 酒後吐真言:主管、員工(Part 1)
Name the colleague you'd most want to sleep with. Somebody currently? You know mine. No, who? I'm just saying it's like a crush. That's not like a thing. Oh!-----TS6
#362. 聽眾來信:英文聽不懂怎麼辦?
1. 2. 3. ---- Podcast 200
#361. 英文多講不一定進步?
---- Podcast 200
#360. Apple 推出 VR 眼鏡
WWDC VR What does it actually do?So you can use this thing as its own computer with web browsing, etc, with these 4k windows in front of you that you can move around and
#359. 哈利王子回憶錄(全英文練習)
Spare Prince Harry's brutal, one-man mission to destroy the family he left behind sees no one spared. "I did coke and weed and had a bad trip of mushrooms where a bin started talking to me," says Prince Harry
#358. 哈利王子回憶錄(完結)
Spare Prince Harry's brutal, one-man mission to destroy the family he left behind sees no one spared. "I did coke and weed and had a bad trip of mushrooms where a bin started talking to me," says Prince Harry