'80s All Over

'80s All Over

June 1984

November 11, 2018

This is it. This is the month many of you have been waiting for since the podcast began. We get it. It's a monolith. Gremlins. Ghostbusters. The Karate Kid. That's a huge month.

But it's so much more. It's so much deeper. This is a perfect example of why we do the show. Because, yes, you'll get Star Trek and Conan and Beat Street and Streets of Fire, but you'll also get weird thrillers with Roger Moore and Rutger Hauer and English boarding school dramas and imports from Sweden and Australia and Germany. One of the weirdest big-budget bombs of the decade was this month, as was a sweeping but troubled epic from one of our greatest filmmakers. You want a brilliant comedy that seems to be largely forgotten? How about the performance that should have won Best Actor at the Oscars that year? Or two other performances that would have been equally worthy from two of young Hollywood's most controversial leading men? There is so much to talk about that we're not sure we can do it justice. But, man, we are gonna try.

Strap in. It's June of 1984