BVTV Brexit Today Show

BVTV Brexit Today Show

Latest Episodes

GBF074: Has the C family already left the UK?
October 14, 2019

In this episode 74 of Get BrexFit, the Brexit Business Podcast, Malcolm Gallagher “rants” that the “C Family” has already left the UK and how do we get them back again! Listen to his BrexFit Bunker piece to find out who the C Family are and if you agree w

GBF073: Will the EU by-pass the PM?
October 04, 2019

The Brexit turmoil continues and, in this week;’s Get BrexFit – the Brexit Business Podcast- Hugh Morgan-Williams in Hugh’s News asks if the EU will by-pass the PM and grant the UK a Brexit extension. Shut-downs, optimism crash, party-split – High covers

GBF072: Glimmer of light in EU discussions?
September 23, 2019

In this week’s Get BrexFit, the Brexit Business Podcast, Hugh Morgan-Williams is in “fine form” with his Hugh’s View piece. He gives the view from Italy where the Italians think the UK is mad. And in the UK he says Deal or No Deal, it will affect 90% of b

GBF071 The Great British Exit just 65 days away
August 27, 2019

The beginning of September sees Parliament return from recess and the start of supposedly big fireworks between all parties and factions. But surely fireworks just bring more smoke and less clarity? In this Get BrexFit, the Brexit Business Podcast episode

GBF070 – Brexit day is looming -time to gloom bust?
August 23, 2019

As we publish this 70th episode of Get BrexFit, the Brexit business podcast, alarmingly it’s only about 70 days until Brexit day of October 31st! And where are we – what progress has been made? It may be fair to say that No Deal looks more of a certainty.

GBF069: Time to play Brexit Hardball?
August 14, 2019

In Hugh’s View this episode, Hugh Morgan-Williams says “the thunderstorms are coming” over Brexit and no-deal. From the BrexFit Bunker, this week Malcolm Gallagher says don’t stand around and wait for the storm. He urges that its time to play “Brexit Har

Start your Brexit Opportunity Odyssey here!
August 07, 2019

It may be the summer holiday doldrums time and the sunshine may be tinted with Brexit gloom but that doesn’t mean you should be languid. There are opportunities to be explored and exploited if you are willing. In this BrexFit business podcast episode 68,

GBF067: Avoid the Brexit Panic Attack Danger
August 01, 2019

The uncertainty of Brexit will continue well beyond whatever the October 31st outcome is and already many businesses, and their people, are starting to have anxiety. That can quickly lead to panic and if you have ever had a panic attack then you know how

GBF066: Stop them stealing your customers
July 24, 2019

In Get BrexFit episode 65, Malcolm Gallagher from the BrexFit Bunker gave you top tips on achieving growth through stealing your competitors’ customers. In this episode, the clickety-click of 66, he shows you how to stop them from stealing your customers

GBF065: Brexit Growth Tactic- Steal Their Customers
July 18, 2019

How will you achieve your business growth goals in an uncertain and low growth economy? In Get BrexFit, the Brexit Business Podcast episode 65, Malcolm Gallagher says a sound tactic is to “Steal Your Competitors’ Customers!” He gives you the stages on how