BVTV Brexit Today Show

BVTV Brexit Today Show

Latest Episodes

GBF106: If it’s No Deal Brexit then time to accelerate now and beat the challenge
September 07, 2020

The summer hide-away is over and it’s NOW time to focus on both your business surviving and thriving says Malcolm Gallagher in his Call To Action piece in this week’s Business Beyond Brexit episode. He argues that the way forward will be in improving you

GBF104: Prepare for Any Deal Brexit with these podcast tips
August 21, 2020

It’s time to shake off any negativity and start planning to take advantage of the AnyDeal Brexit opportunity says the team at the Business Beyond Brexit podcast episode 104. In his Call To Action piece, host Malcolm Gallagher says Brexit, mixed with other

GBF103: Brexit podcasts urges “wild thinking” to see new opportunity
July 07, 2020

In episode 103 of Business Beyond Brexit podcast, host Malcolm Gallagher in his Call To Action piece urges businesses to Bounce Ahead and use “Wild Thinking” to discover post-Brexit opportunity. Malcolm says changes to work processes such as Working from

GBF102: Is Brexit on track for a No Deal finish?
June 22, 2020

In this episode of Business Beyond Brexit we welcome a new guest contributor, David Miller of The Customs People. David leads a team of highly experienced Customs advisers and helps businesses get both their import and export regulations spot-on. In this

GBF099: Time for reflection as we reach 99 Brexit episodes
May 12, 2020

This week the Business Beyond Brexit podcast team is in a reflective mood as we look back over 99 episodes and look forward to uncertainty! Hugh Morgan-Williams in Hugh’s News warns of new concerns about a no-deal Brexit amongst scientists who fear for a

GBF098: Two strategies to seize new opportunities
May 04, 2020

In this 98th episode of Beyond Brexit, the business podcast, Malcolm Gallagher of BizVision says in his Call To Action piece that it is not that tough times are here, it is just that easy times have gone. He gives two “forward vision” strategies listeners

GBF097: How to plan your bounce-back strategy
April 24, 2020

After another week of lockdown, the Beyond Brexit podcast team are getting weary of some things! Weary as the “will it or won’t it” debate about Brexit delay lumbers on. Weary as the NHS staff continue to fight an uphill battle on getting enough PPE and t

GBF096: Ten strategies to help you through these scary times.
April 17, 2020

In this Beyond Brexit podcast, episode 96, the team are reflecting on the impact Covid-19 is having on both businesses and people. Hugh Morgan-Williams in Hugh’s View worries about those being excluded from assistance whilst Malcolm Gallagher in his Call

GBF095: Will Sir Keir Starmer bring Brexit back into focus plus Covid News
April 06, 2020

The Beyond Brexit team had an exclusive video interview with Sir Keir Starmer early last year when he was Shadow Brexit Secretary and all team members were mightily impressed with him! So, on his appointment of Labour Party Leader will he bring the focus

GBF094: Improve your online interview ability to manage the new norm
March 30, 2020

The Coronavirus lockdown is certainly starting to bite hard into how prepared, or not, businesses are to trade virtually. In his call To Action piece, Malcolm Gallagher, who has been working virtual for over 20 years, says too few CEOs and leaders know ho