Covenant Presbyterian Church Lufkin

Covenant Presbyterian Church Lufkin

Latest Episodes

7-25-21, The Ultimate Injustice
July 25, 2021

Pastor Mark O'Neill preached a sermon on Matthew 26:57-68 entitled, "The Ultimate Injustice."

7-18-21, Despised and Forsaken
July 18, 2021

Pastor Mark O'Neill preached a sermon this morning on Matthew 26:47-56 entitled, "Despised and Forsaken."

7-11-21, AM Sermon on Galatians 5:13-15
July 11, 2021

This morning pastor Mark O'Neill preached a sermon on Galatians 5:13-15.

7-11-21, Jesus' Dark Night of the Soul
July 11, 2021

Pastor Mark O'Neill preached a sermon this morning entitled, "Jesus' Dark Night of the Soul."

6-27-21, The Offense of the Cross
June 29, 2021

Pastor Mark O'Neill preached a sermon on Matthew 26:30-35 entitled, "The Offense of the Cross."

6-20-21, PM The Dangers of Heresy
June 20, 2021

Pastor Mark O'Neill preached a sermon on Galatians 5:7-2 entitled, "The Dangers of Heresy."

6-20-21, AM The Lord's Supper Instituted
June 20, 2021

Pastor Mark O'Neill preached a sermon this morning on Matthew 26:26-29 entitled, "The Lord's Supper Instituted."

6-13-21, The Repentant Thief by Cecil Paul
June 13, 2021

Pastor Cecil Paul Mott preached a sermon this morning on Matthew 27:27-44 entitled, "The Repentant Thief."

6-6-21, Creating Calamity
June 13, 2021

Pastor Mark O'Neill preached a sermon this morning on Matthew 26:14-25 entitled, "Creating Calamity."

5-30-21, Love and Treachery
May 30, 2021

Pastor Mark O'Neill preached a sermon this morning on Matthew 26:1-16 entitled, "Love and Treachery."