Covenant Presbyterian Church Lufkin

Covenant Presbyterian Church Lufkin

Latest Episodes

3-22-20, The Only Refuge in Times of Trouble
March 22, 2020

This morning pastor Mark O'Neill preached a sermon on Habakkuk 1:1-2:5, 3:16-19, entitled, "The Only Refuge in Times of Trouble."

3-15-20, AM Sermon on Romans 9:22
March 22, 2020

Pastor Cecil Paul Mott preached a sermon on Romans 9:22 this morning.

3-8-20, But A Vapor Part 2
March 08, 2020

Pastor Mark O'Neill preached a sermon this evening on Psalm 90:1-17 entitled, "But A Vapor."

3-8-20, But A Vapor Part 1
March 08, 2020

Pastor Mark O'Neill preached a sermon this morning on Psalm 90:1-17 entitled, "But A Vapor."

2-23-20, How To Do Church Discipline
February 23, 2020

This morning pastor Mark O'Neill preached a sermon on Matthew 18:15-20 entitled, "How To Do Church Discipline."

2-16-20, Stumbling Blocks
February 23, 2020

On 2-16-20 pastor Mark O'Neill preached a sermon on Matthew 18:5-14 entitled, "Stumbling Blocks."

Flee From False Teachers
February 09, 2020

Pastor Mark O'Neill preached a sermon on Romans 16:17-20 this evening entitled, "Flee From False Teachers."

Be Turned
February 09, 2020

Pastor Mark O'Neill preached a sermon this morning on Matthew 18:1-4 entitled, "Be Turned."

The Role of Women in Church
February 02, 2020

Pastor Mark O'Neill preached a sermon this morning on Romans 16:1-16 entitled, "The Role of Women in Church."

1-26-20, God Who Cannot Lie
January 26, 2020

Pastor Cecil Paul Mott preached a sermon this morning on Titus 1:1-2 entitled, "God Who Cannot Lie."