The Better Life Podcast with April Osteen Simons

The Better Life Podcast with April Osteen Simons

Latest Episodes

Live with No Regrets
February 20, 2022

Life is too short to live with regrets. In this episode, April shares 10 areas to be aware of so that you don't go a year or ten years down the road and wish you would've done things differently. You have the power to change your story TODAY!GET

Clear Out the Clutter
February 13, 2022

Clutter is simply anything that doesn’t deserve a place in your life. In this episode, you’ll hear 7 areas to declutter on a regular basis...and it has nothing to do with your house!GET YOUR TICKETS FOR BETTER LIFE NITE HERE:

Don't Settle for Ordinary
February 06, 2022

You were made for more than an average job, average relationships or an average family, You were made for more than an average anything! This episode will inspire you to quit settling and start going for the extraordinary, abundant life God has promised.G

How to Interrupt Anxious Thoughts
January 30, 2022

We all experience anxious thoughts and sometimes it’s difficult not to allow them to take over our lives. But there is a way to combat those feeling at the onset. In this episode, you’ll hear 4 simple, yet productive ways on how to strategically interrupt

Don't Let Others Decide Who YOU Are
January 23, 2022

People can only define who you are if you allow them to. This episode will help you defy the odds that might be against you and stand up for YOU and who God created you to be. Sure people have the right to their opinions of you, but YOU have every right t

Decisions that will Transform Your Life Pt 2
January 16, 2022

This is Part 2 to Decisions that will Transform Your life. The choices you make TODAY determine your tomorrow. They set you up to succeed or set you back into defeat. Listen in and hear how making the RIGHT decisions will make EACH day more enjoyable, ful

Decisions that will Transform Your Life
January 09, 2022

Decisions determine your destiny. In fact, where you are in life right now is a result of the decisions you’ve made. If you want life to be better, you have to make better decisions. The good news is that you can change the course of your life TODAY! In t

Make the Most of Today
January 02, 2022

Life gets better when we become intentional about running our days instead of our days running us. This episode will help you prioritize what’s important, take steps daily toward your vision, enjoy those God has placed in your life and start making the mo

Get Ready for Change
December 26, 2021

When change knocks at your door, don’t fight  it, EMBRACE it. You can handle it. You were built for change. When you think of change as an opportunity to be at your next level, it changes everything. This episode will inspire you to get out of rut and on

Take Action
November 14, 2021

We have the power to change our story for the better by the choices we make every single day. Positive choices coupled with action will lead to better living. This episode will inspire you to stop letting life run you over and get back in the driver’s sea