The Green Room: Questions That Matter Most In Business

The Green Room: Questions That Matter Most In Business

Latest Episodes

Episode #17: Why aren’t we taught how to adult?
November 04, 2019

Tax forms. Mortgages. Pensions. Most of us have to deal with them at some point in our lives, but do we really understand them? We all know we’ll have to take control of our finances when we ‘grow up’, but we don’t always know where to start....

Episode #16: Are we taking young voices seriously enough?
October 14, 2019

Today’s younger generation are the most informed, educated, connected generation in human history, with a lot of ideas too. Every day, we’re seeing young activists hitting the headlines in their drive make the world a better place. But are young...

Episode #15: Do working fathers have it easy?
September 30, 2019

Comical stereotypes of dads often show fatherhood as a bit of fun. Think dad dancing, dad jokes, dad bods and daddy day care. But with more dads than ever before now actively involved in parenting, is this really the case? Are we fuelling these...

Episode #14: Why do we think about mental and physical health differently?
September 16, 2019

We all have mental health, in the same way we all have physical health. So why do we only talk about it when something goes wrong? Why don’t we look after our mental health until we have to? And why are we more likely to make time to go to the gym...

Episode #13: Does starting a new job ever get easier?
September 02, 2019

Starting a new job can be daunting, as our new CEO Richard Houston knows only too well. As he approaches his first 100 days on the job, we’re talking first day nerves and how to prepare for taking the next step. This week, we’ll be getting to know...

Episode #12: Should we be teaching kids to code?
July 08, 2019

In a modern world dominated by software, has coding become the most important language of all? Or are we focusing on tech skills at the expense of all others... How do we ensure the next generation is properly equipped to enter the future workforce,...

Episode #11: Are our cities ready for the future?
June 24, 2019

Over two thirds of the global population will call a city home by 2050. This growth brings with it some major challenges, and some big opportunities. From transport to housing, technology to the environment, there’s a lot to think about. So what...

Episode #10: What’s stopping us from making the most of international markets?
June 10, 2019

In a global world, the most successful companies need to be open to considering opportunities in other markets.  But where do they start? Are UK businesses really making the most of opportunities abroad? What’s holding us back?  This week,...

Episode #9: Can creativity change the world?
May 27, 2019

Creativity matters. Without it, we wouldn’t have science or medicine. We’d have no solutions, no innovation. Our economy needs new ideas to survive. But we don’t have enough of them. Why? What do we mean by creativity? Why do we need it? Does it...

Episode #8: Does the high street have a future?
May 13, 2019

Once a bustling hub of activity, the high street as we know it is under threat. With 20% of all retail sales coming from online shopping, it seems that popping to the shops could one day become a thing of the past. But is this really the end? Or the...
