The Green Room: Questions That Matter Most In Business

The Green Room: Questions That Matter Most In Business

Latest Episodes

Episode #27: Is technology our planet’s best hope?
November 23, 2020

It’s hard to think of a part of our lives that isn’t impacted by technology. It’s made our world more connected. Our work easier to do. Limitless choice at our fingertips. But it’s also contributed to a society that consumes more resources...

Episode #26: Will travel ever be the same again?
November 09, 2020

Hands up if you had a trip cancelled because of COVID-19. As the pandemic continues to evolve, spending time abroad, exploring that new city or walking along a deserted beach may have to wait a little longer. Since lockdown, some of us have been...

Episode #25: Do we care more about a brand or what they stand for?
October 26, 2020

Humans are funny creatures. We wake up and brew ourselves a cuppa, using only our favourite teabags of course. We butter our bread using our favourite spreads (or not, you love it or you hate it after all) and we message our friends on our mobiles,...

Episode #24: What’s it like to be Black in Britain today?
October 12, 2020

How often do you think about race? If you’re white, chances are – rarely. That’s because you’re unlikely to be the only person in a room who looks like you. If you’re Black, race defines your experience from the day you are born. The street...

Episode #23: One year on: did anything go to plan?
September 29, 2020

When our CEO Richard Houston took on the role in 2019, he spoke to our hosts about starting a new job and preparing for his next step. He was prepared for a challenging year, with uncertainty around Brexit, the ongoing audit debate and the pressures...

Episode #22: Can we finally stop talking about Brexit?
March 09, 2020

At 23:00 on January 31, three years and four months after the EU referendum, the UK officially stopped being a member of the EU.  In that time, we’ve had three prime ministers and two general elections, with countless disagreements, debates and...

Episode #21: Are we buying less because we care more?
February 24, 2020

Over the last few decades, businesses have struggled to keep up with our demand for more. Supermarkets provided us with a dazzling selection of affordable ready meals. Online retailers gave us a fresh look at the click of a button. We bought new...

Episode #20: How much are we prepared to share for an easy life?
February 10, 2020

We live in a data-driven world. And it would be pretty difficult to exist in it without sharing information about who we are and what we like. But are we trading our privacy for the convenient life data gives us? How far are we willing to go? Where is...

Episode #19: Why do the experts keep getting it wrong?
December 02, 2019

Back in 2016, economists said Brexit was unlikely to happen and the media reported that Hillary Clinton was a safe bet for the US presidency. Since then, it’s fair to say that world events have taken an unexpected turn. But why didn’t we see it...

Episode #18: Is technology really making our lives better?
November 18, 2019

From smarter healthcare to remote working, there’s no doubt that technology has had a positive impact on our lives. But there are downsides too. In an always-on world, how is constant connection affecting our mental and physical health? Or is it too...
