The Green Room: Questions That Matter Most In Business

The Green Room: Questions That Matter Most In Business

Latest Episodes

Episode #7: Does having a side hustle make you more productive at work?
April 29, 2019

Research estimates that one in four of us run at least one business on the side. And, as usual, it seems millennials are the top culprits. For those aged 25-34, over a third are pursuing side projects. So why are so many of us starting a side hustle?...

Episode #6: Is it tough at the top?
April 08, 2019

David Sproul has been the CEO of Deloitte UK for the last eight years and was the first ever CEO of Deloitte North West Europe. It’s safe to say he knows a thing or two about what it’s like to make it to the top. He’s led our firm through eight...

Episode #5: Will I ever feel good enough for my job?
March 18, 2019

Have you ever questioned whether you’re good enough? Afraid people will find out you’re not capable? Felt like a fraud? You’re not alone. Imposter Syndrome affects 70% of people at some point in their lives. So what does it feel like to have...

Episode #4: Can one small change save the planet?
March 04, 2019

From reusable coffee cups to metal straws, we’re all familiar with the ‘war’ against single-use plastics. Eco-friendly options have become more mainstream, but how much difference can one small change really make? What else could we as...

Episode #3: What makes a great career?
February 18, 2019

Careers matter. Not just in terms of livelihoods, but how we define our identities.  What matters to you at work? From a good boss and great benefits, to being recognised and making an impact. This week we ask: what makes a great career? ...

Episode #1: What will be the last job on earth?
January 18, 2019

Would you trust a robot to lead an interview? Operate on you? Make your lunch? It’s happening already. The way we work is changing. Technology is advancing at an unprecedented speed and many of us already work with robots every day. But what happens...
