Autistica Podcast
Latest Episodes
Episode Two: Relationships
*may not be suitable for young listeners* Many autistic people find social interaction difficult but does it affect their friendships or romantic experiences? We explore how communication and sensory differences might help and challenge relationships. (77
Episode One: Anxiety
Uncertain situations can be a major cause of anxiety in autism. We talk to researcher Jacqui Rodgers about the evidence, and to professionals and autistic people who have developed ways of coping with uncertainty and anxiety in their everyday lives. (56 m
INSAR Day One - Sue Fletcher-Watson + Day One review
INSAR Day One - James interviews psychologist Sue Fletcher-Watson from the University of Edinburgh about the advantages and disadvantages of using autism biomarkers, while Jon catches up with a fellow autistic attendee. Then, as Day One of INSAR comes to
INSAR Day One - Geraldine Dawson
Day One of INSAR: James and Cos catch keynote speaker Geraldine Dawson for a chat about her work in early diagnosis and intervention..
Episode One
Cos and Jon talk about their expectations ahead of their trip to INSAR 2018 in Rotterdam.