5 Things With Angie B

5 Things With Angie B

S3- E25 Tab Pierce From Wreckage to Triumph

November 01, 2020

Tab Pierce is the author of Upsurge: Wreckage to Triumph; Rebuilding Your Personal and Business Life.  He is also the founder and CEO of Caliber Security Partners. Caliber was created in 2010 and provides cybersecurity services to enterprise clients and emerging technology companies. He sits on the advisory board of 3P&T Security Recruiting, TraitWare ® and Drug-Free Business.

Upsurge covers how after years of business growth and two acquisitions Tab found that a few poor business decisions would have colossal outcomes that threatened his once-strong business. The outcome was debt of $750,000 owed to 18 individuals, companies, and government. One was a hard money lender that was relentless. In despair and disbelief, he plummeted into depression. Vulnerability, doubt, and fear ruled his life.  While discussing the business failures with colleagues most gave the same advice: shut your doors and walk away. He had allowed his company to fall into peril. Closing the doors was not an option. Over the next three-plus years he had one goal: take his wrecked business and personal failures and make them both successful again.


Upsurge: Wreckage to Triumph; Rebuilding Your Personal and Business Life.