Personal Branding Podcast

Personal Branding Podcast

Latest Episodes

Email Branding: Making the Most of Your Emails
May 26, 2020

Emailing Branding Strategies Making the most of your emails. “In the world of digital communication tools, email has become the king”.  According to Statistica, there were about 293 billion emails sent daily in 2019 and the number is expected ...

Personal Brands: Building your Digital Presence on a Shoestring Budget
May 13, 2020

FREE Course Online - Building your Digital Presence

Social Media Strategies – lessons from Jesus
May 03, 2020

“The 21st Century Christian/Church must rethink ministry via the lens of technology. A powerful tool in the hands of the believer.” ― Bernard Kelvin Clive Here are Eight(8) Strategies to implement! 1. Give them something worth their attention.

Doing Business in Africa; Lessons from Building Africa’s Amazon
April 28, 2020

In this episode you would learn about branding, cultural and businesses barriers and benefits in doing business in Africa. You will discover:Culture of BusinessLessons from the Chinese How to survive in an unknown market My guest,

Personal Branding from the Inside Out with Kami Guildner
April 22, 2020

Building your personal brand in a digital age… what to do and what not. In this episode, my guest Kami, through more light on how to build an authentic brand. Kami Guildner believes women’s voices matter. She is a connector. A storyteller.

Growing your Business in Hard Times with John Armah
April 14, 2020

"This is a good time to ask yourself, what skills are you lacking?" - John Armah The impact of this pandemic has been frightening. ‘...these are not ordinary times for Business Owners, Employees and Households,

The Power of Personal Videos for Business Growth
April 05, 2020

Video is a huge lever to bring the human element back to business. My guest today is Matt Barnett the CEO of Bonjoro who walks us through how to effectively use personalized videos in your business communications. Listen learn and share.

Personal brands: Making the Most of your Quarantine Period (Solitude)
March 24, 2020

How to maximize your ‘Stay-at-Home’ Season

The Invisible Forces of Brands
March 19, 2020

“Branding is more of a perception than a product(service).” – Bernard Kelvin Clive Beyond colors, logos and all the visually appealing attributes of brands, there are other intangibles that trigger their success. Today, I will share

How Brands Can Stay Woke in Crisis
March 13, 2020

How Brands Can Stay Woke in Epidemics  “To have your brand deep-rooted in the hearts of clients & customers requires empathy – humanize your brand” – Bernard Kelvin Clive Life happens! Life is filled with the unaccepted,