The Restoration Podcast

The Restoration Podcast

Latest Episodes

A Community that Multiplies // Acts 2:47; Acts 1:8
November 19, 2019

In the final message of our series on Defining Community, we examine the outcome of biblical community life: Growth! Healthy growth comes out of healthy community life that actively lives on mission in the world. We’ll also examine the common “threats to

A Community of Prayer // James 5:13-18; Acts 2:42-47
November 12, 2019

A New Testament church is a community of devoted followers of Jesus who pray – together! Not only is prayer a common practice for common life, but it’s also a means of powerful transformation and restoration. The Kingdom of God is made real and breaks int

A Community that Feasts // Acts 2:42; 1 Corinthians 10:16-17
November 05, 2019

The early church loved to eat together! But their feasts were more than after-service potlucks for the purpose of socializing. For them, table fellowship was a tangible expression of the gospel and the presence of Christ among them, rooted in the historic

A Community as Fellowship // 1 John 1:1-7, Acts 2:42-47
October 30, 2019

(Updated with the correct audio.) This week, we continue a closer look at the New Testament church and what it means to be a community devoted “to the fellowship” (Acts 2:42). What is biblical fellowship and what are the theological implications for shari

A Community as Fellowship // 1 John 1:1-7
October 29, 2019

This week, we continue a closer look at the New Testament church and what it means to be a community devoted “to the fellowship” (Acts 2:42). What is biblical fellowship and what are the theological implications for sharing life with others? And more impo

A Community of Disciples // Acts 2:42-47
October 22, 2019

As a next stop on our journey in defining biblical community, we’re closely examining the New Testament church. This week, we take a closer look at the first church in Acts 2 and what it means to be a community “devoted to the apostles’ teaching” and how

Everyday Leadership that Changes the World // James 3
October 17, 2019

Gospel movements are sustained by everyday leaders. Our pastors, teachers, seminary professors all have an important place in teaching, equipping, and building up believers to participate in God’s redemptive plan for the world. But it’s the everyday leade

Community as a Reflection of Humanity // Revelation 5:9-10
October 01, 2019

The church as a community is designed to be a reflection of God’s most treasured creation and possession – humanity. From every tribe, language, people, and nation, the church glorifies God when it reflects the diversity of humanity. It’s the promise of t

Community as Family // Mark 3:31-35
September 24, 2019

Community, like family, shapes our sense of belonging and identity. The story of God’s restorative work is through community that behaves as a tight-knit family: as the true family of God. So how do we learn to be an earthly family that inspires and shape

Why Community? // Ephesians 1:9-10
September 17, 2019

This week on the podcast we’re answering the question: Why do I need a church community? And, is it possible to have a personal experience and relationship with God apart from others? As we’ll discover, community is rooted deep in God’s nature and is the