Being Church

Being Church

Latest Episodes

Episode 68: Origin Stories – Advent Book Study
December 06, 2019

Pope Benedict XVI writes about the different genealogies of Jesus in the first chapter of "Jesus of Nazareth: Infancy Narratives." What do origin stories have to do with a person's life mission and how does Jesus' origin as "the Word made flesh" change ou

Episode 67: Dos and Don'ts of Small Faith Communities
November 20, 2019

Last week, Alissa and Tom discussed the importance of creating a small group and this week they're offering some practical tips for running small groups. Use these last two podcasts to help prepare you for our upcoming Advent Mission: Online! You can do i

Episode 66: The Gift is in the Invitation
November 08, 2019

We've got a cool idea for a parish Advent Mission this year, but to do it right we need to do it together! Tom and Alissa talk about small groups (yes, again), why they're necessary, and how they'll tie into our parish Advent Mission at St. Louis. Check i

Episode 65: The Value of Work with Fr. Jesse
October 01, 2019

How do we make sure we work in order to live and not the other way around? Fr. Jesse shares insight about work from the Catholic tradition in this episode of The Being Church Podcast.

Episode 64: Reaction to the Pew Research Eucharist Survey
September 06, 2019

Full disclosure: We had to re-record this episode because the fact that 70% of Catholics don't believe in the Real Presence really made Tom and Alissa bitter. When this survey came out a few weeks ago, prominent Catholic voices made their displeasure kn

Episode 63: Welcome Fr. Matthew!
August 14, 2019

Alissa and Tom sit down with Fr. Matthew, our new pastor, to find out a little more about the guy behind the collar. Hear his vocation story, his motivating spirituality, and his hopes for this parish in this episode of the Being Church podcast!

Episode 62: Waiting for Beauty: Practical tips for transition
August 01, 2019

Tom and Alissa have had a busy summer full of change and transition (they're so sorry to have left you hanging Being Church community!). In this episode, they share some insights about their transitions and what practical tips have really helped them thes

Episode 61: Parishioner Spotlight: Peter Polito
April 26, 2019

The process of discernment is difficult precisely because it leads us into the unknown, and it asks us to rely on God’s timing and God's plan rather than our own. Peter’s unique experience of discernment was full of joy and pain, but ultimately, it led hi

Episode 60: Parishioner Spotlight: Marisol Kruger
March 29, 2019

St. Louis parishioners "show up" for all sorts of different reasons, and St. Oscar Romero has inspired parishioner Marisol Kruger to live her Catholic faith to a deeper level. Hear her story of making a pilgrimage to St. Romero's Canonization Mass with he

Episode 59: Parishioner Spotlight: Ashley Winning
February 13, 2019

Ashley never thought for a second that she would become Catholic, but at this year's Easter Vigil, she'll finish the RCIA and be baptized. Hear what she has to say about remaining open to God's plan and how her newfound Catholic faith is changing her life