Evangelical F.R.E.E. Church podcast
Latest Episodes
Psalm 23: Unless We Understand that God is Enough (Erland Palean)
Sunday Grace Celebration15 October 2023by Ptr. Erland Palean
The Power of Supernatural Prayer
Sunday Grace Celebration1 October 2023by Ptr. Paul Hernandez
Praying in Jesus Name (Ptr. Rene del Barrio)
Sunday Grace Celebration24 Sept 2023by Ptr. Rene del Barrio
The Stretch of Faith (Jhulius Camacho)
Sunday Grace Celebration28 May 2023by Ptr Jhulius Camacho
ZEALOUS: Refocusing our Passion for the One True God (Erland Palean)
Sunday Grace Celebration30 April 2023by Ptr. Erland Palean