

Episode 1: Home

December 13, 2019


Every young person in West Virginia knows that one day, they will probably have to decided whether they want to stay home or move away. Home has a special meaning for people here, and the thought of leaving familiar surroundings is always a scary proposition, no matter where you are from. But often, the decision to stay or go in West Virginia comes down to family rather than anything else. As hard as it may seem, being close to family even trumps economic opportunity. Some people would rather struggle with unemployment and poverty rather than leave their homes and families. But not all of West Virginia’s young people have this issue.

McKenzie Ashworth and Elizabeth Beller are two students from Poca High School who have a lifetime of memories that draw them to their small town, but both also have ambitions that extend beyond the borders of the state. They are the types of students that concern state leaders the most. Intelligent young people who have a plan for the future that will possibly take them away and contribute to the so called brain drain of West Virginia’s youth. In order to help keep the McKenzie, Elizabeth, here we have to understand what is truly driving them away, and what will ultimately keep them here.