Move Forward Radio

Move Forward Radio

Success Story: Overcoming a Lifelong Disability to Become a Professional Cyclist

August 15, 2014

August 15, 2014: Hit by a car while riding his bike at the of 14, Tim Haitz was critically injured, spending days in a coma, weeks in the Intensive Care Unit, and months in traction.  He didn't stand and bare weight for almost 10 months after his accident.

After the accident, his life as he knew it had changed. Never properly rehabilitating his injuries, he went on to live a life of dysfunction and pain. It wasn't until his late 30's when he began to work with a physical therapist that his life would change course yet again, but for the better. He overcame his disabilities to become a professional cyclist, and was so inspired the impact of his physical therapist, he returned to school to become a physical therapist.

In today's episode, he and his physical therapist discuss the complexities of overcoming those injuries, and what Tim has achieved.

Read more about physical therapy at

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