Move Forward Radio

Move Forward Radio

Beyond Boston: The Road to Recovery, Part 3

June 15, 2013

Every year on Patriots' Day, the third Monday of April, Bostonians gather for one of their city's most celebrated events, the Boston Marathon. On April 15, 2013, when two bombs exploded near the finish line, the 217th Boston Marathon turned from a much celebrated sporting event to a horrific scene of chaos and terror. As a result, three people were killed and more than 260 were injured.
In this three-part Move Forward Radio series, we speak with four physical therapists who describe what the road to recovery looks like for the bombing victims, or anyone who has suffered similar injuries.
Part 3: Moving Forward After Amputation
Today's guest is physical therapist Ignacio Gaunaurd of the Miami Veterans Affairs Healthcare System.  He hasn't treated victims of the marathon bombing but he has extensive experience treating another population that has suffered similiar injuries: our military's wounded warriors. Today he discusses what's ahead for individuals looking to move forward after an amputation. 
Part 1: A View From Boylston Street
Part 2: Caring For Patients With Burns
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