Move Forward Radio

Move Forward Radio

Amy Rodriguez on the Physical Challenges of Pregnancy and Childbirth

August 20, 2015

August 20, 2015: This summer, the United States Women’s National Team clinched the World Cup trophy with a 5-2 win over Japan. As the team hoisted the trophy at the end of the match, forward Amy Rodriguez was in middle of it all, celebrating with her teammates.

Not only did this moment allow Amy to add a World Cup title along side her two Olympic gold medals, but it was made sweeter because of her well-earned return to the team roster after having a baby not quite two years earlier.

Pregnancy and childbirth are easy to take for granted, but it’s a physically challenging experience – even for an elite athlete. The changes to a woman’s body during and after a pregnancy can make any everyday activity a challenge, let alone playing a high endurance sport at a professional level.

In this episode of Move Forward Radio, Amy describes how she approached her pregnancy and her return to sport. While it may be comparatively high achieving, Amy’s story reflects a journey attempted by moms of any athletic ability who look to regain a physically active lifestyle after childbirth.

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